Who are we?


We are Camila and Consuelo, two Chileans joined by our love for animals, environment conservation and our cats Gata and Solei.

As veterinary doctors we felt we needed to improve our knowledge in Animal Behaviour and ended up meeting in Barcelona during a Masters in Animal Behavior. We learned to better prevent, diagnose and treat animal behavioural problems.

Once the Masters was completed, Camila returned to Santiago de Chile and Consuelo to Montreal in Canada. It was then that the idea for this project was born.

We invite you to be part of our community, where we offer professional advice and experience to enhance your relationship with your pet and therefore it’s welfare.

Currently we have the collaboration of  Marta, Veterinary doctor, MSc. Clinical ethology qho we also knew when studying in Barcelona. She took our project to Portugal!

For the dedication, time and respect our feline friends deserve , we invite you to be part of our community!


Camila Hernández
Santiago, Chile

“All time animal lover. During my life I found I loved observing and trying to understand animal behaviors. Nowadays I feel blessed to have made this part of my professional life. As a hobby I paint cats and dogs. I like to show the look in their eyes, I think we can communicate through it.”

Veterinary doctor
Msc. Clinical Ethology
Training  in Canine Skills
Postgraduating in Feline medicine and managment

Consuelo Foerster
Montreal, Canadá

“I’ve always been curious and loving for animals. I spent all my life surrounded by animals. They’ve been the best teachers of my life. I cherish the memories of my dog Tony, my cat Felix and my chinchilla Sanuk. The love and awe I have for them is endless.”

Veterinary doctor
Postgraduated and MSc. Clinical ethology and animal welfare
Training in various animal species training
Clinical experience in exotic and wild animals

Marta Vieira
Guarda, Portugal

” Animals have always been part of my family since childhood. To repay their love I decided to study veterinary medicine. Once I rescued a stray kitten with behavior problems that made me find animal behavior world and my passion about this subject.”

Veterinary doctor
Msc. Clinical Ethology
Postgraduated  in Animal Behavior 
Member of FELIN GOOD


Francisco Maillard
Santiago, Chile

“In 1980 I saw for the first time the show “Ripley’s believe it or not!” and it changed my life. It drove me to the documentary, paranormal, mysterious, social world and obviously to the animal world.”

Audivisual services
Photography and video editing
Video editing in FELIN GOOD’s videos

Click here to see my Youtube channel


Click here to see my Website


Anton Coimbra
Barcelona, España

“I’ve never lived with animals until I was 35. My little Tiger has changed my life. I don’t know what changed in me but I am a better person now.”


 Theater autor

Singer-songwriter for FELIN GOOD’s videos

Click here to see mu website Holacoimbra

Click here to see my website Ultimocomboio

Gata - Solei
​Chile - Canadá

“Meow! Prrr.. prrr.. prrr…”

Inseparable mates
Profesional purrers
Actors and models in FELIN GOOD

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