Allergic to cats?

Allergic to cats?

Animals have allergens that can cause allergic rhinitis and even asthma to humans. We will talk about the main allergen in domestic cats.

Am I allergic to cat's fur?

Among all allergens identified in cats, the main one is the Fel d1 protein. It’s mainly produced by sebaceous and salivary glands. So the component causing allergies is on the skin and also on the fur due to the grooming behaviour. This can lead us to think fur is the problem when it´s not.

Is Fel d1 present in all cats?

  • Breed: It seems to be some difference in Fel d1 concentrations but there is little information about this.
  • Gender: There is more Fel d1 in males than in females.
  • Castration: reserch found that neutered males have lower Fel d1 levels, very similar to the ones in females. Spayed females seem to have the same concentration as those that aren’t.
  • Body location: not all the body has the same concentration of the protein.
  • We must say this protein is ubiquitous. It was found in air samples of places where there aren’t any cats.

What can I do to keep my cat at home?

  • Try not to sleep with him in the same room.
  • Avoid carpets and blankets where cat fur and this protein can accumulate.
  • Don’t let the cat stay on your bed or on the sofa for the same reason.
  • Have a brushing routine to eliminate the allergen.
  • If your cat allows it, give him regular baths.

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