Cat’s habituation

What is habituation all about?

Habituation is a basic principle of learning where the reaction to a stimuli diminishes as this is presented repeatedly.

We seek that through habituation, events that could be potentially troublesome to an animal, will be a normal part of his daily life.

When should I put my cat through an habituation process?

Traveling by car

Nail trims

Cat carrier

Veterinary appointments

Going to a new home

Arrival of a new animal

Arrival of a baby to the family

Who should be responsible for the habituation process?

This should be done by a certified professional (veterinary behaviorist or animal trainer) hand in hand with the animal carer, through scheduled sessions, where the family compromise is key.

This is a slow process, as there is spontaneous recovery between training sessions, so you need to be patient to get results.

Have you ever been through one of this situations?

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