Cat’s universe

Understanding cats…

  • It’s been 9.000  years since cats started living with humans, but they still have some similarities with their wild ancestor.
  • Their main characteristic is their independence. They love to ambush and chase their preys. They have good balance and great agility.
  • Cats are very territorial and have a marking behaviour. They communicate with each other by leaving visual and scent marks on their territory.
  • Communication with humans is achieved through blinks, meows and purrs that delight us.
  • Their vision acuity is different. They see less colors than we do but are much more sensitive to movement than we are. Their tactile whiskers allow them not to get lost in the dark.
  • Cats have a very good hearing acuity and their sense of smell is 14 times better than ours so they can perceive smells we can only imagine.
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