Myths about cats

Demystifying cats...

Cats can’t live with other animals…


Cats can enjoy the company of other cats or animals. They can benefit from this social enrichment as long as they are well socialized.


You shouldn’t have a cat if you are pregnant…


This concern comes from the risk of getting Toxoplasmosis. Reasearch on this topic has shown that the odds of one getting toxoplasmosis from a domestic cat that has regular veterinary check-ups and deworming are very narrow, even close to null.

Taking hygienic preventive measures would be enough so that mothers to be can enjoy the company of their cats.

Cats have 9 lives…


Cats have almost supernatural skills that allow them to survive extreme falls and also have exceptional strength, agility and resistance. This can lead us to believe that they have 9 lives but they really only have one.

Cats always land on their feet…


As long as they are able to revolve in the air, they can land on their feet. The truth is that if they don’t manage to revolve (especially if they fall from very low places and don’t have enough time or very high places, where they balance system fails), they could land on their back.

Cats are “deceitful”, do as they wish and never obey…


Cats can be trained the same way dogs can. We should bear in mind they are different species, so their motivation to learn is different. We should never teach them through punishment, but using rewards. So you will be connected to a positive experience and this will strengthen the bond between you and your cat

Black cats can bring bad luck…


This myth has it´s origin in Middle Ages, where cats were associated with the devil and burnt along with their female owners, viewed as witches. Black is connected with darkness. Other cultures consider black cats as a sign of good luck, so all of this is based on popular beliefs.

If my cat lives indoor it will never get sick…


It’s true that being an indoor cat reduces the risk of accidents and diseases a cat can get from fighting other street cats. Apart from being an indoor cat, every cat should have an annual veterinary check-up, vaccines and deworming. Don’t go any further, obesity in cats is a disease.

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