What is a behavioral consultation?

What is a behavioral consultation?

We will explain it in 3 simple steps!

1. Evaluation

Once you contact us, we will schedule an appointment at your address. This appointment is an interview-like evaluation that takes roughly 1 hour.  We will ask all family members about your cat’s behaviour, diseases, food, play and another relevant data.

2. Report

After the appointment, we will send a report to your e-mail. We will tell you if your cat needs any supplementary medical exams to discard organic causes to his problem, possible diagnosis, treatments and prognosis.

3. Practical appointments

Finally, we will schedule the next appointment to read the report and begin treatment. The number of appointments needed to treat the problem will depend on your compromise and responsiveness to treatment.

If you want to know the costs at you country, send us an e-mail to: felingood2018@gmail.com

If you want to know what are the most common behaviour problems, click here.

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