What´s inside your cat’s head?

What´s inside your cat's head?

This scientific article does a literature review to give us valuable information about the current investigation on cat’s cognition.

They talk about topics as:

  • Cat´s sensitivity to human signals
  • Attachment bonds
  • Perception
  • Voice recognition and communication
  • Personality
  • Cognitive health
  • Social cognition
  • The object of permanence and working memory
  • Physic causality
  • Amount  and time discrimination

Investigation of cognition can take us to an improvement fo the relationship between humans and cats, enhancing cats’ welfare and reducing neglect and euthanasia. We invite you to read it! 


Shreve, K. R. V., & Udell, M. A. (2015). What’s inside your cat’s head? A review of cat (Felis silvestris catus) cognition research past, present and future. Animal cognition18(6), 1195-1206.

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