Which plants are toxic for my cat?

Which plants are toxic for my cat?

Sometimes as we think about dangers at home we immediately think about balconies from where our cat can fall off or about doors that our cat can escape through. Most of the time, the most dangerous thing we have at home could be our plants, although we don’t know about it.

Cats like to explore everything, are very curious and like to bite into plants. This is especially true for indoor cats that have access to all the plants we bring into our home, which makes it even more important to know the plants we buy so that it won’t put our feline friends at risk. 

Plant toxicity depends on the part of the plant that is ingested. Some species are completely toxic, including leaves, flowers, roots/bulbs, and seeds while others have only some toxic parts.

According to the toxic component in each plant, we can have different health problems: intestinal, cardiac, neurologic, skin or eye.

If you suspect that your cat ate some toxic plant don’t hesitate to take him to the vet as soon as possible, as this can save his life.

We have a list of the most common toxic plants but we do encourage you to check all the information before you buy any plant.

List of toxic plants (not an extensive one):

  • Lilium (Liliaceae)
  • Amaryllis (tribe Amaryllideae)
  • Anthuriums (Anthurium )
  • Azaleas (Rhododendron)
  • Lily
  • Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)
  • Sago palm (Cycas revoluta)
  • Tulip bulb (Tulipa spp.)
  • Begonias (Begoniaceae)
  • Ivy (Hereda spp.)
  • Marijuana (Cannabis sativa)
  • Diefembaquia (Dieffenbachia bowmanii)
  • Allium canadense


  • Fitzgerald, K. T. (2010). Lily toxicity in the cat. Topics in companion animal medicine25(4), 213-217.
  • https://www.royalcanin.es/plantas-toxicas-para-gatos
  • https://aspcapro.org/sites/pro/files/c-vetm0805_562-566.pdf
  • Le petit traité rustica de chaton et du chat
  • https://www.purina.com.au/cats/care/toxic-plants
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