Why do cats knead?

Why do cats knead?

Kneading is a rhythmical motion cats make, alternating between front legs, usually against a soft surface like a pillow, a blanket, other cat/dog or your lap. It looks like they are kneading the dough, so it’s colloquially called “making biscuits”.

This is a common behaviour in cats of all ages, although not all knead in the same way. Some will never push their claws out, some will use the four paws, others will knead as they are lying on their side and most of them will purr as they knead.

We provide you with the most popular ideas about kneading:

  • Kitten memories

Young kittens knead instinctively in their mom´s belly as they snuggle to nurse and the motion is thought to stimulate milk flow. One of the theories explaining this behaviour in adult cats is that they keep associating kneading with the rewarding comfort of nursing.

There was the idea that cats who knead were those weaned or separated from their mother too early. This is now an outdated idea as this behaviour is seen in almost all adult cats regardless of how and when they were weaned.

  • Showing their trust

If your cat likes to curl up, purr and knead on your lap as you pet him, he is showing his affection and trust in you.

Sometimes your cat can be too enthusiastic while kneading and scratch you or snag your clothes. As this is a natural instinctive behaviour and your cat doesn’t know he is hurting you, it shouldn’t be punished. Instead, we advise you to trim your cat’s nails or have a towel/pillow around to protect your lap.

  • Preparing his bed

Wild cats knead grass and leaves to make a comfy, fluffy bed for sleeping or giving birth. It could be a way of checking the ground for unwelcome visitors hiding in the foliage.

This behaviour continued through ages, as a natural part of cat’s settling down for a nap.

  • Stretching

A kneading cat can be just stretching. This is one of many ways cats keep flexible until the next nap.

  • Leaving their mark

Cats have pheromone glands on their paws they use to mark their territory.

When they knead, they release pheromones and this scent serves as a marker to unfamiliar cats that might try to claim that spot or that person.

  • Females in heat

Some female cats can knead frequently before going into heat as a signal to male cats of their willingness to mate. This is a display signal before starting persistent yowls in an effort to get the attention of a male.

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