Why is my cat stressed?

Why is my cat stressed?

1. Changing things at home

Changing things at home is normal for humans (bringing in new furniture, arrival of a new family member, renewals or such simple things as moving the litter box to a new place), but can be extremely stressful for cats.

2. Unsuited environment

If you have an exclusive indoor cat, he needs all the resources that allow him to express his natural behavior, for example, play, climb, scratch, hide, etc. If he is not able to express this behaviors he can be stressed.

3.Conflicts between cats or other animals

The fact that you taje a new cat or other animal to your household without the correct introduction to your cat can cause him stress. If you need to introduce a new animal to your cat, there are guidelines with which we can help you so that you won´t have conflicts in the future.

4. Bad relationships with family members

A bad relationship with some family member (for example, if they punish the cat for expressing his normal behavior), could cause him stress. Punishment is not advised.

We can help you reverse this situation using counter-conditioning and positive reinforcement.

5. Food restriction because your cat is obese

A big percentage of cats is obese. This means the daily ration of food should be diminished. This causes permanent anxiety in your cat, while he waits to receive his next meal.

Choosing the right food, changing the number of meals and the amount of food per meal, making it difficult to get the meal and changing how you present food are some of the tools that we can use to help you solve this problem.

Is your cat stressed?

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