Research article Catnip Part 1

How do cats react to catnip and other plants used for scent stimulatiom

Part I

Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is a very popular plant among cat owners, as it can induce play behaviour in 60% of cats. This euphoric behavior occurs because the plant liberates an allomone that causes changes at the cerebral level.

Some of the observed behaviors are rolling over, chin and cheek rubbing, head shaking, pawing, floor scratching, sniffing and chewing the catnip source. The effects can last for 15 minutes.

One research article done in Mexido with 60 cats of different ages, evaluated the reactions for 5 minutes before and after being exposed to the same amount of catnip.

The researchers observed that most part of the adult and young cats would roll over but none of the kittens aged less than 3 months of age would do that.

They also observed passive behaviors such as time in sphinx- like position and reduction in vocalization and motor activity in mote than 95% of cats.


Apparently the majority of cats reacts to catnip, but kittens under 3 months of age don´t have the active behavior we usually see.

The difference may be due to the development of the cerebral pathways in which catnip has an effect.


Espín-Iturbe, L. T., Yañez, B. A. L., García, A. C., Canseco-Sedano, R., Vázquez-Hernández, M., & Coria-Avila, G. A. (2017). Active and passive responses to catnip (Nepeta cataria) are affected by age, sex and early gonadectomy in male and female cats. Behavioural processes142, 110-115.
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