
Taste in cats is given by food’s smell and taste.
Cats start to taste food since kittenhood and develop this sense. If cats are used to a broad spectrum of flavours and odours since then, they won´t be so selective when they grow up. So changing their diet won’t be a problem.
Taste is perceived by specialized papillae called taste buds. These locate in the front and sides of the tongue, lips and back of the mouth.
Cat’s tongue has filiform papillae which are very tough and hard. These allow them to scrape the meat out of the bones. Did you know that?
Cats can distinguish salty, sour and acidic flavours but have limited ability to taste sweet. This could happen because cats and their ancestors have always been strict carnivores.
As a curious note, cats have approximately 500 taste buds while humans have 9.000 which means their taste is not as developed as ours.
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